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PSA: Student Records

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 5:40 pm
by Vernon
Hey guys! Vernon here! Since I'm running the University, and we've been lax lately, I wanna lay down some ground rules going forward.

ONE: You CANNOT RP out having a degree until it's approved by me. Approval requires you doing your entire set of student records, with classes and so on. If you need help figuring out which classes your character needs to take, DM me. I can help you find something to follow. Really, I recommend finding something on your own, a class course kind of thing for over a 4 year period at an actual accredited college in the United States, DM me it on Discord, and get my approval, or let me tell you what classes wouldn't be there and what they can be replaced with.

TWO: PLEASE keep track of the years that you graduate and when you start, that's not my job. If you want, you can do ALL FOUR YEARS in one post and I can approve it for the pending date, so we don't have to worry about it later! This used to not be a problem, but hey, people forget to put their applications on the forums in on the time they wanted to, and I forget to post the things myself, so I'm gonna just ask y'all to keep track of it.

I thought I'd have more rules, but I don't, so these should be pretty dang easy to follow. If you posted and I haven't looked at it in a while, please DM me, I'm only human.

Thanks guys! Love ya!