Code Testing (will delete later)

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Code Testing (will delete later)

Post: # 14196Post Misha »

EDIT: RN there's no tutorial yet but if any of you are planning on playing with it before I throw it into the coding guide: I'm trusting y'all not to abuse this. there will absolutely be punishments for using any of the following codes inappropriately / abusing it (ex: there's some post background changing things, don't use it to mess with another person's post!) This is a small community so I'm putting my faith in y'all

TL;DR: don't be bad with the coding okay, thanks!

hi i have no idea where else to put this thread but i'm putting it her efor now and i'll make a coding reference later

NOTE, you can currently only have ONE slideshow per page bc the arrows/dots will always only change the first thing with the slides code on the page so use it wisely! might alter the code to allow for more later on
Do NOT have space / linebreaks inbetween the ending code tags & the following opening code tag or else it'll add unwanted spaces/line breaks.

I do however recommend coding with line breaks and then removing the spaced between after to make it easier! Also always make sure to do more complex codes in another program just in case so you don't possibly lose anything if the toro forum messes up and deletes it

dots are OPTIONAL and can be removed or put literally anywhere including underneath the slides.
arrows are ALSO optional but have to stay within the slides code

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed semper iaculis mauris ac rhoncus. Nam vel purus at erat gravida luctus eget sed metus. Ut lacinia commodo convallis. Pellentesque ut placerat est. Donec placerat blandit felis, eu iaculis nisl tristique vestibulum. Nulla vitae egestas leo. Phasellus justo erat, finibus eu elit quis, aliquet imperdiet est. Ut sed tristique turpis. Vivamus ullamcorper sed lorem id consequat.Fusce ultricies magna lectus, et rhoncus nisl dictum at. Integer malesuada hendrerit nibh, feugiat luctus nulla vestibulum volutpat. Ut ante est, tempus id consectetur ut, faucibus id sem. Maecenas sed ullamcorper erat, eget scelerisque metus. Vestibulum dignissim ex libero, in varius odio suscipit at. Vivamus ac vehicula orci, eget eleifend metus. Nulla justo neque, rhoncus at iaculis non, viverra et nisi. Donec sit amet enim accumsan, placerat erat sit amet, ornare est. Phasellus pharetra nisl nec est ullamcorper pretium. Ut vel congue orci, ac pharetra mi. Vestibulum luctus odio sit amet condimentum accumsan. Cras interdum diam quam, convallis gravida erat consequat mollis. Phasellus laoreet sem at purus ultrices, at molestie diam varius.

Nullam pretium leo mauris, sed aliquet odio porta vitae. Mauris lacinia risus at lectus laoreet, non feugiat sapien auctor. Nullam nec aliquet nibh, eget elementum urna. Aliquam convallis purus eget augue semper volutpat. Vestibulum id venenatis felis. Donec aliquam, velit ac hendrerit rhoncus, sapien massa dignissim augue, non lobortis tellus erat et augue. Ut porta ligula sed pharetra varius. Integer feugiat mattis sapien. Sed mollis enim in varius convallis. Integer eget pretium sapien.Imagewowie you can probably put other stuff in here like

(if you look at the coding, you don't have to add the anchor link or underline, i just did it to make it more obvious)

you don't have to put the dot anywhere near it or even next to others it can be anywhere (notably, only the first dot for that slide will be highlighted))
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Re: Code Testing (will delete later)

Post: # 14198Post Misha »

just an example of me using the same exact code to show that this does not in fact work. or rather, the buttons just affect the slides up there.

edit: apparently if you click enough it just makes it so it affects the slides down here?? good to know.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed semper iaculis mauris ac rhoncus. Nam vel purus at erat gravida luctus eget sed metus. Ut lacinia commodo convallis. Pellentesque ut placerat est. Donec placerat blandit felis, eu iaculis nisl tristique vestibulum. Nulla vitae egestas leo. Phasellus justo erat, finibus eu elit quis, aliquet imperdiet est. Ut sed tristique turpis. Vivamus ullamcorper sed lorem id consequat.Fusce ultricies magna lectus, et rhoncus nisl dictum at. Integer malesuada hendrerit nibh, feugiat luctus nulla vestibulum volutpat. Ut ante est, tempus id consectetur ut, faucibus id sem. Maecenas sed ullamcorper erat, eget scelerisque metus. Vestibulum dignissim ex libero, in varius odio suscipit at. Vivamus ac vehicula orci, eget eleifend metus. Nulla justo neque, rhoncus at iaculis non, viverra et nisi. Donec sit amet enim accumsan, placerat erat sit amet, ornare est. Phasellus pharetra nisl nec est ullamcorper pretium. Ut vel congue orci, ac pharetra mi. Vestibulum luctus odio sit amet condimentum accumsan. Cras interdum diam quam, convallis gravida erat consequat mollis. Phasellus laoreet sem at purus ultrices, at molestie diam varius.

Nullam pretium leo mauris, sed aliquet odio porta vitae. Mauris lacinia risus at lectus laoreet, non feugiat sapien auctor. Nullam nec aliquet nibh, eget elementum urna. Aliquam convallis purus eget augue semper volutpat. Vestibulum id venenatis felis. Donec aliquam, velit ac hendrerit rhoncus, sapien massa dignissim augue, non lobortis tellus erat et augue. Ut porta ligula sed pharetra varius. Integer feugiat mattis sapien. Sed mollis enim in varius convallis. Integer eget pretium sapien.Imagewowie you can probably put other stuff in here like

(if you look at the coding, you don't have to add the anchor link or underline, i just did it to make it more obvious)

you don't have to put the dot anywhere near it or even next to others it can be anywhere (notably, only the first dot for that slide will be highlighted))
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Re: Code Testing (will delete later)

Post: # 14199Post Misha »



[td][bgimg=][color=#FFFFFF][pad=20px]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a lectus lectus. Nunc justo justo, auctor eget mollis ut, varius eu ante. Proin mollis laoreet nibh, in congue nunc interdum vel. Duis ut mollis sapien, ac mattis magna. Duis sodales eu metus semper tincidunt. In fermentum feugiat purus auctor tincidunt. Suspendisse at turpis mollis orci luctus maximus euismod et odio. Nulla mollis fringilla gravida. Fusce velit ante, varius et rutrum non, commodo non ipsum. Curabitur at ex vel felis eleifend consequat ac eget lorem. Cras venenatis purus quis velit tincidunt pharetra. Pellentesque blandit sollicitudin tristique. Mauris leo ex, hendrerit sed dictum a, venenatis at odio. Donec et tincidunt dolor. Vivamus ac laoreet purus.[/pad] Suspendisse ex tellus, elementum nec nibh nec, finibus auctor erat. Cras et odio egestas, dapibus sapien et, luctus eros. Nulla fermentum mauris sit amet tempus aliquam. Sed tempor fermentum metus, non tincidunt nibh tempus sed. Duis maximus quam ac neque posuere, a dictum nulla efficitur. Quisque viverra, neque at tincidunt vehicula, nulla massa ultricies mauris, sit amet suscipit nisl orci non quam. Nunc dapibus ex ante, sed congue urna tincidunt blandit. Donec et blandit ipsum, eu tristique libero. Quisque fringilla sit amet purus ac posuere. Cras purus augue, mattis sit amet lectus in, facilisis cursus nibh. Nunc in ex vel sem vulputate vestibulum sit amet a leo. Curabitur tempor libero velit, eu pulvinar dolor egestas a. Sed efficitur lobortis lobortis. Praesent feugiat iaculis neque. Nam aliquet elit ut odio vehicula pulvinar. Nunc turpis ante, interdum et dictum vitae, aliquam in nulla.[/color][/bgimg][/td]

Code: Select all


[td][bgimg=][color=#FFFFFF][pad=20px]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a lectus lectus. Nunc justo justo, auctor eget mollis ut, varius eu ante. Proin mollis laoreet nibh, in congue nunc interdum vel. Duis ut mollis sapien, ac mattis magna. Duis sodales eu metus semper tincidunt. In fermentum feugiat purus auctor tincidunt. Suspendisse at turpis mollis orci luctus maximus euismod et odio. Nulla mollis fringilla gravida. Fusce velit ante, varius et rutrum non, commodo non ipsum. Curabitur at ex vel felis eleifend consequat ac eget lorem. Cras venenatis purus quis velit tincidunt pharetra. Pellentesque blandit sollicitudin tristique. Mauris leo ex, hendrerit sed dictum a, venenatis at odio. Donec et tincidunt dolor. Vivamus ac laoreet purus.[/pad][/td][td]Suspendisse ex tellus, elementum nec nibh nec, finibus auctor erat. Cras et odio egestas, dapibus sapien et, luctus eros. Nulla fermentum mauris sit amet tempus aliquam. Sed tempor fermentum metus, non tincidunt nibh tempus sed. Duis maximus quam ac neque posuere, a dictum nulla efficitur. Quisque viverra, neque at tincidunt vehicula, nulla massa ultricies mauris, sit amet suscipit nisl orci non quam. Nunc dapibus ex ante, sed congue urna tincidunt blandit. Donec et blandit ipsum, eu tristique libero. Quisque fringilla sit amet purus ac posuere. Cras purus augue, mattis sit amet lectus in, facilisis cursus nibh. Nunc in ex vel sem vulputate vestibulum sit amet a leo. Curabitur tempor libero velit, eu pulvinar dolor egestas a. Sed efficitur lobortis lobortis. Praesent feugiat iaculis neque. Nam aliquet elit ut odio vehicula pulvinar. Nunc turpis ante, interdum et dictum vitae, aliquam in nulla.[/color][/bgimg][/td]
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Re: Code Testing (will delete later)

Post: # 14200Post Misha »

another test post

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Re: Code Testing (will delete later)

Post: # 14201Post Misha »

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Re: Code Testing (will delete later)

Post: # 14202Post Rosy »

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Re: Code Testing (will delete later)

Post: # 14203Post Misha »

we're an anime chat site now guys
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Re: Code Testing (will delete later)

Post: # 14204Post Misha »

wow how many tests am i going to do
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Re: Code Testing (will delete later)

Post: # 14216Post Misha »

kelp babywow it's a candle
i'm never done with coding. just playing around.
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Re: Code Testing (will delete later)

Post: # 14250Post Misha »


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