Toroan Forms - INFO

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Joined: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:33 am
MC name: Rosy

Toroan Forms - INFO

Post: # 14525Post Rosy »

Hi everyone! Now that the secret is out, we are excited to formally announce something we’ve been working on for a while now- Toroan forms! Like Galarian and Alolan forms, Toroan forms are new and different forms of a small number of Pokemon that already exist. Our first Toroan form, Toroan Relicanth, is already around, and IC word should be spreading quickly!

We recognize this is a step into uncharted territory, and are taking great care to be sure these new forms look and feel authentic, fit neatly into the world, and are appropriately balanced. There will be more to come, and we hope to use this as an opportunity for original content for quite some time. Accordingly, there won’t be too many of them too quickly, because we can only have so many and there are only so many good options. Please do not ask for custom forms, as we aren't taking requests!

These Pokemon will have all of the features of ordinary Pokemon, including egg moves and hidden abilities, but since these are new Pokemon, you’ll have to figure out exactly which moves and abilities these are! They also have shiny forms…

Other than egg moves and hidden abilities, their data (stats, learnset) will go up on the forums some time after their arrival- it takes time to unravel their mysteries.

To be noted: Due to the way we’ve done this, currently, the typing of Toroan Pokemon does not show up properly client-side. Toroan Relicanth will appear a Rock-Water type despite being Water-Fire, for example. They still behave like they’re supposed to in every way, with different stats, movesets, and types, and we are currently working on a means to display types as well.

I hope you're all excited! Keep an eye out for more!

Currently move relearners are broken for Toroan forms. They will teach the wrong moves, and not teach the right ones. For the time being at least, please refrain from using Move Relearners with Toroan Relicanth and any future forms until further notice. It is meant to have a different set of moves.

If you require relearning moves, you can ask a GM (but try not to use this frequently). In order to make this easier we will be publishing Toroan Relicanth's learnset sooner than originally planned, to make it easier for you to train them without having to ask for relearning 20 times. We will update you on this when we have updates. Thank you for your patience.
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